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Parallel Lines

F1 Prix Grand Prix

As a graphic designer at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), I've been working and designing different types of projects as marketing materials, image composition, and retouching, whether printed or digitally directed. Also, Fortunately, I had the opportunity to apply image retouching skills for the F1 Mercedes Race Activations project.


The project includes different marketing channels, intending to promote AMD technology and events. According to AMD's personality, the image utilized had to be retouched and adapted to a different scenario from the original photo.


Important facts about AMD as a team partner of Mercedes-AMG Petronas:

AMD EPYC™ processors have helped the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Team to win the pole position in F1 racing. The processor allows Mercedes accurately solve the CFD factor and meet the goal of faster iterative performance and cutting the time in half due to 20 percent speedier computing than their previous system's gain of 1 or 2 percent.


Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign

Materials pieces: Pull Up Banners, Posters, and Social Media Ads, among others.

Parallel Lines
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